
14 June 2024

GTSOU informs that, between 17 June 2024 and 30 September 2024 (inclusive), the firm capacity of VIP “Bereg” will be increased to 9,763 tcm/day for the transportation direction from Hungary towards Ukraine. GTSOU will allocate the increased capacity at the relevant monthly auction for the period of July 2024. The auction will be held on 17 June 2024.

20 May 2024

GTSO of Ukraine is looking for suppliers  that meet the established technical and quality characteristics and are able to supply a Mobile Gas turbine power plant package to Ukraine. In order to find out the possibilities of production, further cooperation, clarification of the procurement process and revision of the terms of the standard contract, GTSO of Ukraine will conduct preliminary market consultations.

Please note that the Preliminary Market Consultations will be held online on 22.05.2024, at 14:00 (Kyiv time).

The link to the meeting is

If you have any additional questions, please send them to  and .

30 April 2024

GTSOU informs that the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission, by resolution No. 829 dated 30 April 2024, approved the incremental capacity project at the entry interconnection point with Poland.

GTSOU informs that the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission, by resolution No. 831 dated 30 April 2024, approved the incremental capacity project at the entry interconnection point Isaccea1/Orlovka1 with Romania.

GTSOU informs that the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission, by resolution No. 830 dated 30 April 2024, approved the incremental capacity project at the interconnection points with Republic of Moldova.

10 April 2024

To the attention of network users – direct customers

LLC Gas TSO of Ukraine, in compliance with the requirements provided for in the third paragraph of point 2 of the resolution of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission of 27 March 2024 No. 593, informs that direct customers whose total nominal capacity of gas equipment provides technical capacity of natural gas consumption in the amount of 600 GWh (56,391 thousand m3) per year and above, are required to register as wholesale energy market participants in accordance with the Procedure for registration of wholesale energy market participants, approved by the resolution of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission of 04 October 2023 No. 1812.

10 April 2024

GTSOU announce purchasing natural gas on the commodity exchange LLC Ukrainian Energy Exchange (UEEX) under the following conditions:

GTSOU guarantees payment for actually received gas within the terms specified by the contracts.
GTSOU is interested in expanding the range of counterparties and long-term mutually beneficial relations on market conditions.

05 July 2023

Interruptible capacity allocation of interconnection point Oleksiivka (entry) point is carried out only for the within day products. Gas transportation via interconnection point Oleksiivka (entry) is possible only in backhaul mode. Capacity is allocated using overnomination mechanism in accordance with point 11 of Subsection 6 of Section XІХ of the GTS Code. The amount of available within day capacity is published in the section “Available capacities” on the GTSOU official website.

22 June 2023

Access to the interruptible capacity of the entry point “Orlivka/Isaccea-1” is subject to simultaneous capacity booking at the exit point “Kaushany” and the entry point “Grebenyky”*;

Access to the firm capacity of the entry point “Orlivka/ Isaccea-1” is provided without the need of the capacity booking at the entry point “Kaushany” and the exit point “Grebenyki”*, provided that transmission is carried out under the customs regime of import;

Access to the exit point “Orlivka/Isaccea-1” is subject to simultaneous capacity booking at the exit point “Grebenyky” and the entry point “Kaushany”.

*For transmission to consumers of the Republic of Moldova (on the section “Orlivka/Isaccea-1” in the direction of “Grebenyky”), the capacity booking at the point “Grebeniki” is not mandatory.

22 July 2022

Access to the entry point “Grebenyky” while booking a transmission service is possible only in case of simultaneous booking of respective capacity of the exit point “Kaushany” and the entry point “Orlovka/Isaccea-1”.

06 May 2022

We would like to remind you that natural gas market participants are prohibited from exporting natural gas from the customs territory of Ukraine in line with the order of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine No. 99 On Natural Gas Exports Prohibition dated 3 March 2022.

From 7 May 2022, the Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC will reopen access to capacity allocation auctions for re-exports of natural gas imported to the customs territory of Ukraine after 3 April 2022 to be stored on customs warehouse terms, or for transporting natural gas under transit customs regime. Please note that, irrespective of results of capacity allocation auctions, the Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC will reject all nominations that contain information that does not meet the above requirements.

11 September 2020

On 1 October 2020, subpoint 2 of point 1 of the NEURC Resolution of 26 August 2020 No. 1611 enters into force. In this regard, financial security in the form of a bank guarantee issued by a bank that is not included by the National Bank of Ukraine in the list of systemically important banks will not be taken into account when submitting nominations/renominations, starting from 1 October 2020. More info

30 July 2020

Starting from 1 August 2020 in the template for submission of nominations/renominations it becomes obligatory to indicate the number of a periodic customs declaration. All nominations/renominations submitted without proper indication of the number of the periodic customs declaration will become subject for rejection due to non-compliance with the requirements specified in point 14 Chapter I Section IX. More info

22 July 2020

LLC “Gas TSO of Ukraine” minimizes the terms of repair of the section of the gas pipeline “Looping 4” from 7 to 3 weeks. We found an opportunity to follow the requests of market participants and carry out repair works from 1st till and including 21st September 2020. In such a way, network users will be able to use the already purchased capacities in August 2020 without any interruptions. More info

23 June 2020

LLC “Gas TSO of Ukraine” informs network users on changes in the plan of repair works. These changes are applied to the new repair works at IP Budince that will lead to the complete stop of physical transmission through the IP Budince from 11 August 2020. The estimated maximum duration of repair works is until 1 October 2020More info

29 April 2020

Gas transmission system operator of Ukraine” (GTSOU) and Gas transmission system operator of Hungary (FGSZ) signed a new interconnection agreement. It envisages the merging of two existing interconnection points – “Beregovo DN1400” and “Beregdaroc DN800” – into a single virtual interconnection point of the two “Bereg” systems, which will come into force on 1 May 2020. More info