Transmission tariffs

In accordance with the laws of Ukraine “On the natural gas market”, “On natural monopolies”, “On the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities” and the Methodology for Determining and Calculating Tariffs for Natural Gas Transmission Services for Entry Points and Exit Points on the basis of long-term incentive regulation, approved by the resolution of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities of 30 September 2015 № 2517, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 6 November 2015 under № 1388/27833,

The NEURC adopted Resolution № 1468 of July 29, 2020, by which amended Resolution № 3013 of 24 December 2019 “On setting tariffs for LLC “Gas TSO of Ukraine” for natural gas transmission services for entry points and exit points for the regulatory period 2020 – 2024». Thus, the updated tariffs come into force on 1 October 2020 – UA.pdf




of 24 December 2019 No. 3013


On establishment of tariffs for LLC “Gas TSO of Ukraine” on natural gas transmission services for entry points and exit points for the regulatory period 2020 – 2024

With amendments and additions made by a resolution of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities of 29 July 2020 No. 1468

Resolution of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities of 30 June 2023 No. 1213

In accordance with the laws of Ukraine “On the natural gas market”, “On natural monopolies”, “On the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities” and the Methodology for Determining and Calculating Tariffs for Natural Gas Transmission Services for Entry Points and Exit Points on the basis of long-term incentive regulation approved by the resolution of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities of 30 September 2015 No. 2517, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 6 November 2015 under No. 1388/27833, the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities resolves:

  1. To establish for LLC “Gas TSO of Ukraine” the tariffs for natural gas transmission services for entry points and exit points to/from the gas transmission system for the 2020 – 2024 regulatory period in accordance with Annex 1.
  2. To establish for LLC “Gas TSO of Ukraine” the tariffs for natural gas transmission services for domestic gas entry and exit points to/from the gas transmission system for the 2020 – 2024 regulatory period in accordance with Annex 2.
  3. To approve the coefficients that take into account the capacity booking period applicable to the tariffs for natural gas transmission services for internal entry points and exit points to/from the gas transmission system for the 2020 – 2024 regulatory period:

from 1 March 2020, the coefficient used when booking day-ahead capacity – at the level of 1.10 conventional units;

from 1 April 2020, the coefficient used when booking monthly capacity – at the level of 1.04 conventional units;

from 1 October 2020, the coefficient used when booking quarterly capacity – at the level of 1.02 conventional units.

  1. To approve the coefficients that take into account the capacity booking period applied to the tariffs for natural gas transmission services for entry points and exit points to/from the gas transmission system on interconnection points for the 2020 – 2024 regulatory period:

the coefficient used when booking day-ahead capacity- at the level of 1.45 conventional units;

the coefficient used when booking monthly capacity – at the level of 1.2 conventional units;

the coefficient used when booking quarterly capacity – at the level of 1.1 conventional units, except for the case of booking capacity for the period of the first quarter of the gas year 2020 – 2021, at which the coefficient is applied at level 1.

(paragraph 4 in the wording of the NEURC resolution of 29.07.2020 No. 1468)

  1. To approve reduction multipliers for capacity with restrictions on tariffs for natural gas transmission services for entry points and exit points to/from the gas transmission system on interconnection points for the regulatory period 2020-2024 in accordance with Annex 3.

(paragraph 5 as amended in accordance with the NEURC resolution of 29.07.2020 No. 1468)

  1. This resolution shall enter into force on 1 January 2020, but not earlier than the day following the day of its publication in the official printed publication – the newspaper “Governmental Courier”.


Annex 1 to NEURC Resolution
of 24.12.2019 No. 3013

Transmission tariffs for entry points and exit points to/from the gas transmission system at cross border interconnections for 2020-2024 regulatory period for LLC “Gas TSO of Ukraine”

N The name of the IP Tariffs for the entry point Tariff for the exit point
USD/1000m3 per day
(without VAT)
USD/1000m3 per day
(without VAT)
1 Virtual or physical IPs with Poland (Hermanowice, Drozdovychi, Ustyluh) 4,45 9,04
2 Virtual or physical IPs with Slovakia (Budince, Uzhgorod/Velke Kapusany) 4,45 9,68
3 Virtual or physical IPs with Hungary (Beregdaroc, Beregove) 4,45 9,25
4 Ananiiv 8,17
5 Grebenyky* 0,00 8,17
6 Kaushany 0,00 1,13
7 Lymanske 4,45 8,17
8 Oleksiivka 4,45 9,71
9 Orlovka/Isaccea 4,45 1,13
10 Sokhranovka 16,01
11 Sudzha 16,01
12 Tekove/Mediesu Aurit 4,45 8,78
13 Virtual point with Republic Moldova 0,56

*Access to the Grebenyky interconnection point (entry) when ordering the gas transmission services is possible only under the condition of the ordering of no less amount of capacity at the Orlovka/Isaccea interconnection point (entry) and the Kaushany interconnection point (exit) in the respective period.

Annex 2 to NEURC Resolution
of 24.12.2019 No. 3013

Transmission tariffs for domestic entry/exit points to/from the gas transmission system for 2020-2024 regulatory period
for LLC “Gas TSO of Ukraine”

N The name of the point Tariffs for the entry point Tariff for the exit point
UAH/1000m3 per day
(without VAT)
UAH/1000m3 per day
(without VAT)
1 Physical entry point from the networks of gas producers 101,93
2 Virtual entry point from the gas distribution networks 101,93
3 Virtual entry point from the networks of gas producers 101,93
4 Physical entry/exit points to/from gas storages 0,00 0,00
5 Virtual entry/exit points to/from gas storages 0,00 0,00
6 Virtual entry/exit points to/from customs warehouse in gas storages 0,00 0,00
7 Physical exit points to direct consumers 124,16
8 Physical exit points to distribution networks 124,16
9 Virtual exit points to distribution networks 124,16
10 Virtual exit points for the TSO transactions related to purchase of the fuel and technological gas 0,00



       Annex 3
to the NEURC resolution of 24.12.2019 No. 3013

Coefficients that take into account the capacity booking period and the capacity booking season, applicable to tariffs for natural gas transmission services for entry points and exit points to/from the gas transmission system at interconnection points for the regulatory period 2020 – 2024


Annex 3 is excluded

(according to the NEURC resolution of 29 July 2020 No. 1468, in this connection Annex 4 shall be considered Annex 3)


Annex 3
to NEURC Resolution
of 24.12.2019 No. 3013

Reduction multipliers for the capacity with restrictions which are applied to transmission tariffs for entry points and exit points to/from the gas transmission system at the cross border interconnections for 2020-2024 regulatory period

N The name of the IP Reduction multiplier for the interruptible capacity for the entry point, conditional units Reduction multiplier for the interruptible capacity for the exit point, conditional units
1 Virtual or physical IPs with Poland (Hermanowice, Drozdovychi, Ustylug) 0,66 0,49
2 Virtual or physical IPs with Slovakia (Uzhgorod/Velke Kapusany) 0,66 0,36
3 Virtual or physical IPs with Hungary (Beregdarots, Beregove) 0,66 0,44
4 Tekove/Mediesu Aurit 0,66 0,41


(Annex 3 as amended in accordance with the NEURC resolution of 29.07.2020 No. 1468)


Calculation of coefficients used when booking within-day capacity

According to point 12 of Section VI of the Methodology for determining and calculating tariffs for natural gas transmission services for entry and exit points on the basis of long-term incentive regulation, approved by the Resolution of the NEURC of 30.09.2015 No. 2517, in case of non-approval of the factor, such a factor is taken at a level 1.1 times higher than the approved factor, which takes into account the period of booking day-ahead capacity.

The coefficient used when booking within-day capacity at the entry points and exit points to/from the gas transmission system on interconnection points is equal to 1.595 (1.45 * 1.1).

The coefficient used when booking within-day capacity for domestic entry points and exit points to/from the gas transmission system (s) is equal to 1.21 (1.1 * 1.1).


Application of coefficients when booking capacity with restrictions.

In the case of booking the capacity with restrictions, the coefficients that take into account the capacity booking period and the capacity order season are not applied (para 6 of point 10 of Section VI of the Methodology for Determining and Calculating Tariffs for Natural Gas Transmission Services for Entry and Exit Points Based on Multi-Year Incentive Regulation) approved by the NEURC Resolution of 30.09.2015 No. 2517).

Reduction factors for capacity with restrictions on tariffs for natural gas transmission services for entry points and exit points to/from the gas transmission system on interconnection points for the regulatory period 2020 – 2024 are defined in Annex 3 to the NEURC Resolution of 24.12. 2019 No. 3013.


We will remind that from 1 January to 30 September 2020 natural gas transmission tariffs and the corresponding coefficients were in force approved by the NEURC Resolution of 24.12.2019 No. 3013 – UA.pdf.