Non-binding phase
GTSOU conducted market demand assessment of incremental capacity for interconnection points in accordance with requirements of points 1 and 2 of Subsection 1 of Section XX of the GTS Code. Assessment of potential demand on incremental capacity will be conducted from 3 July until 28 August 2023 inclusive (during 8 weeks). In the mentioned period all network users had the right to submit non-binding indications.
The joint documents developed under the market demand assessment can be downloaded using the following links:
Public consultations
In accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and repealing Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 (CAM NC) and according to the requirements of point 3 of Subsection 2 of Section XX of the GTS Code, GTSOU in cooperation with GAZ-SYSTEM, SNTGN TRANSGAZ S.A. and Vestmoldtransgaz” LLC launches public consultations for incremental capacity project at the state border between Poland and Ukraine, Romania and Ukraine, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine:
Draft Project Proposal for the Incremental Capacity Project on the Border between Poland and Ukraine
The incremental capacity project proposal was prepared by the TSOs in response to non-binding demand indications received from the market during the Market Demand Assessment process conducted from July 3 until August 28, 2023.
The document under consultation includes: a description of the incremental capacity project including the proposed technical solution, estimated costs, preliminary schedule and offer level for bundled capacity product. The TSOs also developed general terms and conditions to which network users shall agree in order to obtain access to capacity in the binding phase of capacity allocation of the incremental capacity procedure:
Interested natural gas market participants have the opportunity to provide comments to the draft project proposal for the incremental capacity project on the border between Poland and Ukraine and general terms and conditions to which network users shall agree in order to obtain access to capacity in the binding phase of capacity allocation of the incremental capacity procedure to the e-mail address: [email protected] until 30 November 2023.
Interested natural gas market participants have the opportunity to provide comments to the draft project proposal for the incremental capacity project on the border between Romania and Ukraine, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine and general terms and conditions to which network users shall agree in order to obtain access to capacity in the binding phase of capacity allocation of the incremental capacity procedure to the e-mail address: [email protected] until 29 February 2024.
During the public consultations on the ”Draft Incremental Capacity Project Proposal at the joint Interconnection Point (IP) Isaccea 1 – Orlovka 1”, the following requests for clarification were received:
Filled in template in Ukrainian or English in electronic (formats .docx or .pdf), using the existing account, it has to be uploaded and submitted to Informational Platform of LLC “Gas TSO of Ukraine” by means of the transaction «ZIP_CAPACITY_MARKET» (Instructions for downloаding the non-binding demand indications for incremental capacity in the IPlatforma system).
To participate in the market demand assessment for incremental capacity on GSA Platform, you must have a registered and authorized account (Instructions for registration on GSA auction platform). Registered and authorized on the GSA auction platform network users have to submit a request using the functionality of the platform to activate the relationship type “market research”.
By following the link, you can find the Step-by-Step Instructions on GSA Platform for participating in the market demand assessment on incremental capacity for interconnection points.
Pay attention! When submitting a non-binding demand indication through GSA Platform:
(1) indicate the name of the interconnection point in the “additional information” field;
(2) indicate in the field “additional information” the data specified in the non-binding demand indication for the specified interconnection point, which you have submitted or are going to submit to the adjacent TSO;
(3) in case you have not submitted and do not intend to submit a non-binding demand indication to the adjacent TSO – indicate in the field “additional information” that the information has not been provided and will not be provided to the adjacent TSO.
(4) If you are interested in a product of a shorter period (quarter, month) than the gas year – indicate this in the “additional information” field on the GSA Platform.
Non-binding demand indication in paper in Ukrainian or English may be sent by a network user at the postal address of LLC “Gas TSO of Ukraine” (03065, Kyiv, Ukraine, 44 Liubomyra Huzara Ave). In addition, we are kindly asking to send us a scanned copy of the non-binding demand indication at the electronic address [email protected] for more efficient processing. The non-binding demand indication will be considered only in case when the non-binding demand indication is obtained in paper.