EIC code

EIC code of LLC “Gas TSO of Ukraine” – 21X000000001397P


EIC code is the energy identification code of the natural gas market entity and/or commercial metering point, determined according to the rules of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) for the purpose of unification and unambiguous identification of natural gas market entities and commercial metering points gas infrastructure facilities, including for participation in regional (international) gas markets and for simplification of procedures for changing natural gas suppliers and electronic data exchange between natural gas market participants.

Only one EIC code can be assigned to each natural gas market entity and/or commercial metering point.

EIC codes issued by the authorized body of their issuance outside Ukraine, the local issuing office, are valid on the territory of Ukraine and are accepted by the gas transmission system operator.

The gas transmission system operator assigns EIC codes to:

The gas distribution system operator assigns EIC codes to consumers connected to the gas distribution system of the respective operator and the corresponding EIC codes of their commercial metering points (if necessary).

Information on the assignment of EIC codes by gas distribution system operators can be found on the website 104.ua, as well as directly at the relevant gas distribution system operator.

Procedure for assignment of EIC codes by the TSO

To obtain the EIC code, the natural gas market entity, to which the EIC code is assigned by the TSO, shall provide the TSO with:

The application form must be signed by an authorized representative and contain the seal of the organization, which is submitting the application.

The gas transmission system operator has the right to reject the application for assignment of the EIC code to the natural gas market entity in case of inaccuracy and inconsistency of the data submitted by the applicant to the form established by the local issuing office.

In order to post information about the availability of the EIС-code of a natural gas market entity (market participant) on the website ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) after the EIC code has been assigned, it is necessary to submit an application for allocation to the Operator GTS to the e-mail address – commercial@tsoua.com (only in the case of export-import transactions).

You can find information on the website ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) at the following link: