Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine,
Limited Liability Company
Balancing actions

Information on balancing actions taken in accordance with current long-term agreements.

According to the provisions of Article 35 of the Law on the Natural Gas Market, the balancing rules must be fair, non-discriminatory, transparent and conditioned by objective factors. Such rules should create economic incentives to balance the volumes of injection and selection of natural gas by customers themselves.

Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 5, Section XIV of the GTS Code, the gas transmission system operator has the right to purchase balancing services if short-term standardized products cannot meet the need to maintain optimal operation of the gas transmission system or in the absence of liquidity of trade in short-term standardized products.

The Law of Ukraine “On Public Procurement” defines the legal and economic principles of procurement of goods, works and services.

Publication of the tender offer for the purchase of balancing services indicating the purpose, scope and related instructions for tenderers is available at

Publication of the results of the tender procedure for the purchase of balancing services without prejudice to commercially sensitive information is available at

Pursuant to the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Public Procurement” LLC “Gas TSO of Ukraine” procured “Gas Fuel (Balancing Service)” under the open bidding procedure and on its results on 19 January 2021 entered into an agreement on provision of balancing service №2101000095.

Balancing actions are carried out by LLC “Gas TSO of Ukraine” in accordance with the concluded agreement on provision of balancing service of 19 January 2021 No. 2101000095.


Information on the purchased balancing services and the corresponding expenses incurred for each year of receipt of such services.

During the period of 2020 balancing services were purchased by LLC “Gas TSO of Ukraine” (based on contracts on natural gas sale-purchase) in the amount of 1 563 046 521,5 cubic meters and incurred expenses 5 499 160 666,84 hryvnias (including VAT).


Information on the cost, frequency and scope of balancing actions taken (short-term products, balancing services, balancing in adjacent areas).

The information is published annually. The expected date of publication is February 2022.

Recommendation document on proposals for requirements for balancing obligations within-day (disclosure taking into account the confidentiality obligations to which it relates), sending the document to ENTSOG for information – not applicable (N/A).