Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine,
Limited Liability Company
The procedure for conducting auctions

The procedure for conducting capacity allocation auctions at Interconnection Points is regulated by Section XIX of the GTS CodeUA original / EN-UA non-official translation

Capacity periods

In the process of capacity allocation at the auction, LLC Gas TSO of Ukraine offers capacity for the following periods:

1) annual capacity
2) quarterly capacity
3) monthly capacity
4) day-ahead capacity
5) within-day capacity

The only exception is interruptible capacity for the within-day period (paragraph 4 of Chapter 5, Section XIX of the GTS Code)

Types of capacity

LLC Gas TSO of Ukraine offers available capacities separately for each type of capacity:
1) firm capacity, including new (increased) capacity;
2) interruptible capacity;
3) capacity with restrictions, taking into account features specified in Section IX of Code.

ENTSOG Auction Calendar 2020/2021 – link

Auctions conduction algorithms

The algorithm of the growing auction is used for capacity allocation on annual/quarterly/monthly basis.

A single price algorithm is used for capacity allocation on daily/within-day basis.