The order of payment for the services of the booked capacity

The order of payment for the services of the booked capacity

When paying for the cost of the booked capacity, you have to use the following templates to calculate the payment amount and be sure to specify the following in the purpose of payment:
“XXXMMPP Prepayment for services of the booked capacity (PERIOD) according to the contract of __________ No. _____________, including VAT _______”.

Payment code:
XXX – type of service,
MM – ordinal number of the month from 01 to 12
PP – The last two digits of the year from 19 to 99
Rules for filling in the purpose of payment – UA.pdf

Payments “23/7”:
JSB “Ukrgasbank” supports the procedure of processing electronic settlement documents in the mode of “23 hours a day seven days a week” between banking institutions participating in the Electronic Payment System (EPS) of the National Bank of Ukraine.
Network users of GTSOU can renew their financial support and make the necessary payments “23/7”. The Ukrgasbank JSB system is available for processing interbank money transfers in the period from 00:00 to 23:00 daily.

Letter regarding the return of funds (UA)  – UA.docx
Letter regarding the return of funds (EN) – EN.docx

Account templates:
Entry point account (YEAR, QUARTER, MONTH) – UA.xlsx (1)
Entry point account (DAY) – UA.xlsx (2)
Entry point account (WITHIN-DAY) – UA.xlsx (22)
Exit point account (YEAR, QUARTER, MONTH) – UA.xlsx (3)
Exit point account (DAY-AHEAD) – UA.xlsx (4)
Exit point account (WITHIN-DAY) – UA.xlsx (23)

Calculator for calculating tariffs for natural gas transmission for entry and exit points to/from the gas transmission system on interconnection points during capacity allocation by conducting auctions on the GSA and RBP platform – EN.xlsx

Capacity booking at cross-border interconnection points:

Invoices for payment of capacity for yearly, quarterly and monthly periods are sent to the internal e-mail of the Information Platform.

Invoices for payment of other capacity (day, within-day, capacity with restrictions, change  condition (restriction) of capacity with restrictions) are generated in the Information Platform in the transaction “Order invoices” (Border folder).

Instructions “Order invoices” – PDF

Capacity with restrictions:
Presentation “Capacity with restrictions” – PDF

List of entry/exit interconnection points and the sizes of the coefficients for capacity with restrictions  – PDF

A notification of intention to change the conditions (restrictions) of capacity with a restrictions is created and submitted in the Information Platform, in the transaction “Capacity booking” (Border folder).

Instruction “Changing conditions of capacity with restrictions” – PDF