Settlement of contractual congestions of the gas transmission system is defined by Subsection 2 of Section XV of the GTS Code.
Physical congestion management of the gas transmission system is defined by point 4 of Subsection 1 of Section IX, Subsection 3 of Section XV, points 10-12 of Subsection 5 of Section XIX, clause 8.6. Natural Gas Transportation Agreement.
Interruption of the allocated firm capacity of the network user is carried out:
- in proportion to the allocated firm capacity at the entry/exit points where such interruption occurs.
- in the order of capacity allocation periods 1) within-day; 2) day-ahead; 3) monthly; 4) quarterly; 5) yearly;
- the TSO pays the Network User the cost of the interruption in accordance with the Natural Gas Transportation Agreement.
Interruption of the allocated interruptible capacity of the network user is carried out:
- with a minimum time for interruption notifications. The minimum time on interruption notification for a specific hour of gas day is 45 minutes after the start of the renomination cycle for that hour of gas day.
- If the total number of nominations exceeds the amount of gas that can be transported at the relevant interconnection point, the gas transmission system operator shall provide access to interruptible capacity to network users in the order of providing access to such capacity.
- If two or more nominations have the same sequence of interruptions and their simultaneous execution is impossible, a proportional reduction of such nominations is applied.
The actual interruption of interruptible capacity – XLSX
Currently there is no capacity provided due to the application of congestion management procedures.