In October 2021, gas distribution system operators (oblgazes, miskgazes) did not pay UAH 1.99 billion for the natural gas withdrawals for their own production and technological needs (PTN) from the main gas pipelines.
As of November 23, the total debt of oblgazes to Gas TSO of Ukraine (GTSOU) amounts to UAH 12.5 billion, of which almost UAH 7.4 billion is the debt of oblgazes of RGC group.
In October, the largest increase in debt came from “Donetskoblgaz” (whose corporate rights are managed by NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine), which has selected gas for UAH 544.6 mln, “Odesagas” – for UAH 394.5 mln, “Cherkasygaz” – for UAH 301.5 mln, and “Luhanskgaz” – for UAH 110.1 mln.
It should be recalled that during 2020-2021, GTSOU filed about 50 lawsuits to recover the debts for the settlement of daily negative imbalances totaling over UAH 9 billion.
In addition, Gas TSO of Ukraine supports the urgent introduction of a mechanism of distribution accounts for regional gas companies that will automatically transfer funds to pay for gas to the Gas TSO of Ukraine on condition of significant current debts of gas distribution network operators. Unfortunately, according to the available information, only 16 out of 44 regional gas companies have opened these distribution accounts, which is violation of the relevant Law and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers. We consider it necessary to draw the attention to this fact of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities and law enforcement bodies.