Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine,
Limited Liability Company
GTSO has created another guaranteed route for gas imports to Ukraine

Gas TSO of Ukraine (GTSO UA) and Polish TSO Gaz System S.A. agreed to introduce firm capacity for gas imports from March 6, 2022. It allows the physical ha imports from Poland, including from the LNG terminal, on a guaranteed basis and thus contributes to the security of gas supplies for Ukraine.

Over the past three months, GTSOU international partners have taken essential steps in cooperation to enhance the security of supply. Now Ukrainian market participants will receive gas from three directions – Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia. At the auctions for capacity distribution in the Polish-Ukrainian direction, short-term products “during the day” and “for the day ahead” will be offered, which were not contracted by previously available longer products (annual, quarterly, monthly capacity).

“In recent months, Gas TSO of Ukraine has worked hard to create routes for gas imports to guarantee the necessary gas resources for Ukraine in any scenario. Today, this is a critical issue for the country’s survival. I am grateful to our colleagues – European TSOs for their important contribution to strengthening Ukraine’s energy security. On the energy front, we continue taking every effort to ensure uninterrupted gas supply to Ukrainian consumers”, said Sergiy Makogon, CEO of GTSOU.

For comparison, on average, Ukraine consumes 100-120 mcm of gas per day. Over the past three months, GTSOU has concluded agreements with the related TSOs, which have increased capacity for gas imports to more than 50 mcm per day, which is about half of the country’s natural gas needs.

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