GTSOU and Vestmoldtransgaz are planning to increase the firm capacity at one of the interconnection points

The Gas TSO of Ukraine (GTSOU) and Moldova’s GTS operator “Vestmoldtransgaz” (VMTG) are working on enhancing the firm capacities of gas transmission along the Trans-Balkan route towards Ukraine to at least 7 million cubic meters per day. GTSOU representatives discussed this during a workshop venue for participants of the Vertical Gas Corridor initiative.

“Our short-term goal is to develop 7 million cubic meters of the firm capacities at one of the interconnection points until April 2025. For this implementation, both GTS operators must ensure the debottlenecking of several facilities along the route,” — said the Head of the Division of Cooperation with Clients at GTSOU, Andrii Prokofiev.

GTSOU, along with their Moldovan colleagues, has already implemented the first stage – the firm 1 million cubic meters of daily capacity was developed for gas transportation to Ukraine. This stage did not necessitate substantial investments from GTSOU or Vestmoldtransgaz, and commencing from September 1, 2024, these capacities are actively being engaged to transport gas to Ukraine.

Currently, GTSOU and VMTG are collaborating on further capacity expansion. In the medium term, an increment of more than 7 million cubic meters per day is achievable, since the infrastructure of the Trans-Balkan pipeline system has already been constructed and further capacity growth will only require increasing reverse capacities along the route.

However, GTSOU emphasizes the necessity of introducing competitive and economically justified tariffs for this route segment. This will reinforce the technological capabilities of the Trans-Balkan Gas Corridor while also presenting a compelling business concept.

It should be noted that in January 2024, GTSOU and VMTG joined the Vertical Gas Corridor initiative, a project that should combine the capacities of floating LNG regasification units in Southern Europe and consumers in Central and Eastern Europe. The Ukrainian party not only offers access to transit capacities, but also the possibility for gas storage in the Ukrainian gas storage facilities, balancing the European consumers’ demand.