Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine,
Limited Liability Company
20231228 Prozori zakupivli
GTSOU announces procurement of non-residents’ gas through the new section of the Ukrainian energy exchange called “Procurement: Import, customs warehouse”

The GTS Operator of Ukraine (GTSOU) expands the areas of natural gas procurement for its own needs and is announcing the launch of its participation in trading within the “Procurement: Import, customs warehouse” section on the Ukrainian Energy Exchange (UEE) platform.

During auctioning within the said section, non-resident participants can offer customers their resources stored in UGS in the “customs warehouse” mode or under transfer conditions at interconnection points with Ukraine. Auctioning is conducted according to the principle of a unilateral counter-auction with the use of the PP EETS.

Participants can submit their applications for the following products: “Customs warehouse”; “Customs warehouse + Short-haul”; Interconnection point (available interconnection points at the borders with Poland, Hungary, Romania, Moldova and Slovakia). The price shall be determined in EUR.

At the initial stage of the section’s launch, no security deposits will be requested of participants. At later stages, the UEE plans to apply its clearing mechanisms to this type of trade opeations, too.

To participate in auctions within the “Procurement: Import, customs warehouse” section, participants must be accredited by the UEE, including non-residents planning to offer their resources to interested Ukrainian buyers.

“The Company continues to demonstrate its openness through the expansion of opportunities for counterparties, attracts the maximum number of partners to increase the efficiency of purchases, and increases the variability of areas to meet its own technological needs. I hope that our initiative will open up new prospects for consumers in Ukraine,” Vadym Rybachuk, the Company’s Commercial director, commented on the GTSOU’s plans.

Let it be reminded that in 2023, GTSOU purchased over 200 mcm of gas at the UEE for its own needs and paid for the volume of gas it received within the terms specified by the contracts.

GTSOU continued purchasing gas in 2024; as of April 23, the Company purchased 51.9 mcm from Ukrainian miners and traders.

The Operator is interested in expanding the range of its business partners and long-term mutually beneficial relations based on market conditions.