Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine,
Limited Liability Company
20241209 KSV En 2
GTSOU has adopted the CSR and Sustainable Development Policy

The Supervisory Board of the Gas TSO of Ukraine has approved the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development Policy of the Company.

The development of the Policy was preceded by fruitful cooperation between the Operator and the USAID Energy Security Project (ESP) within the initiative framework “Consulting Services on Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance for the GTSOU”.

Based on the results of the work performed and considering the global best practices, the Company has prepared the Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Policy. It outlines the directions, key goals and the GTSOU’s objectives for implementing sustainable development principles, including environmental protection, social advancement and effective corporate governance.

“GTSOU strives to contribute to achieving global sustainable development goals, focusing on environmental protection, safe and efficient use of resources, social welfare and personnel professional development, community development, and creating conditions for a sustainable future,” noted Dmytro Lyppa, General Director of the Gas TSO of Ukraine.

“The Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Policy of the Company comprises 13 ambitious objectives that we are committed to achieve. Six of these goals pertain to environmental protection, four to social development, and three to corporate governance. The Sustainable Development Committee will be established to oversee the coordination of divisions in implementing the Policy,” said Kateryna Kovalenko, Head of the Strategy Division at GTSOU.