Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine,
Limited Liability Company
20250131 ESG G Compliance
GTSOU has revised its Code of Corporate Ethics

The Supervisory Board of the Gas TSO of Ukraine has approved the Code of Corporate Ethics, which has been updated in compliance with amendments to the current legislation and the Company’s articles of association.

The Code update incorporated recent legislative changes, in particular, the improvement of corporate governance of state-owned enterprises and the implementation of anti-corruption measures.

The updated revision of the Code of Corporate Ethics also ensures its compliance with the guidelines of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on executive business management, in particular, it includes effective risk management, prevention, and mitigation of negative consequences for the enterprise, promotion of consultations between employers and employees, and human rights respecting.

The Code of Corporate Ethics aims to create a clear mechanism in terms of practical actions intended for a holistic approach to business conduct. In particular, the Code outlines the areas of responsibility and obligations of officials, employees and managers, as well as the principles of interaction with authorities, partners, the public and the media. In addition, the Code is applied to develop a system of multi-level verification to minimize potential negative consequences during cooperation with partners.