GTSOU is implementing the Insider Information Platform and the Data Transfer Platform

As the main responsible participant in the implementation of REMIT in the natural gas market of Ukraine the TSO is introducing mechanisms for performing the activities of the data transfer administrator and the insider information platform administrator in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the Natural Gas Market”.

Wholesale energy market participants will receive:

  • access to the Insider Information Platform on the basis of an application for joining a public contract on the provision of services for the publication (disclosure) of insider information;
  • access to the Data Transfer Platform on the basis of an application to join the public data transfer agreement.

IT solutions of the TSO will provide:

1) In the part of a data transfer administrator (a Registered Reporting Mechanism):

  • data transfer on standard natural gas purchase and sale contracts and derivative contracts, the basic asset of which is natural gas;
  • data transfer on non-standard contracts for the purchase and sale of natural gas and derivative contracts, the basic asset of which is natural gas;
  • data transfer on the GTS capacity secondary allocation in accordance with standard/non-standard contracts and derivative contracts for the natural gas transmission.

2) In the part of an insider information platform administrator:

  • publication of urgent market messages regarding the facility availability on the natural gas market;
  • publication of urgent market messages regarding other information on the natural gas market (information on market and corporate events, etc.).

The reporting forms of the Data Transfer Platform data transfer will comply with the requirements established by Annexes 1, 2, and 4 to the NEURC resolution of 27 March 2024 No. 618 (hereinafter: the Resolution No. 618), and the forms of urgent market messages of the Inside Information Platform will comply with the requirements of Annex 2 to the NEURC resolution of 16 January 2024 No. 137.

It is important to note that in accordance with the provisions of the NEURC Resolution of 27 March 2024 No. 618, information on natural gas transmission contracts related to the capacity allocation at interconnection points, which determine physical or financial rights or obligations regarding the capacity allocation at interconnection points concluded as a result of an explicit auction (primary capacity allocation) is provided by the TSO only.

Wholesale energy market participants, who are network users, are not involved in the data transfer on the primary capacity allocation.

The TSO is creating a separate section on REMIT issues on the company’s website and is conducting a survey of wholesale energy market participants of natural gas on issues of training, connection and operation of the Platforms.

From June 24, 2024, TSO Team will conduct a series of training sessions for wholesale energy market participants of natural gas (wholesale energy market participants of natural gas will be notified of the time of the training).