October, 2, 2020, Kyiv – For 9 months of 2020 Gas TSO of Ukraine transported 39.5 bln cub m of natural gas. This is 40% less in compare to the same period of last year (65.4 bln cub m).
The key reason of natural gas transit shortage is the launch of new gas pipelines bypassing Ukraine, which transport Russian gas to Europe. Accordingly, this affected the contractual volumes of orders for services from the GAS TSO of Ukraine*.
Starting from the beginning of the year, Gazprom has been paying full amount for the entire volume of booked capacities, out of which 81% are in use. From our side, GTSOU fulfills all daily requests and effectively ensures uninterrupted gas transit to European countries.
About 36.8 bln cub m (-40%) of gas were transited in the western direction. In particular, to Poland – 2.9 bln cub m, to Slovakia – 27.1 bln cub m, to Hungary – 6.8 bln cub m.
In the Southern (Balkan) direction, transit amounted to 2.6 bln cub m (-76%). Of these, to Romania – 0.54 bln cub m and to Moldova – 2.05 bln cub m. The transit reduction in the southern route via the GTS of Ukraine is due to the launch of the Turk Stream in January 2020, by which gas is transported from Russia to Turkey and afterwards to the countries of the Balkan Peninsula.
*The transit agreement between NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine and PJSC Gazprom, concluded at the end of 2019 for a period of five years, provides for the minimum firm transit volumes of 65 billion cubic meters (178 million cubic meters per day) in 2020 and 40 billion cubic meters (110 million cubic meters per day) in 2021-2024.