Ukrainian Regulator approves the preliminary decision on the certification of Gas TSO of Ukraine LLC

November 22, 2019, Kyiv – Gas TSO of Ukraine LLC received the approval of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities on the certification of the company as the TSO operator. A copy of the decision will be sent along with other case information to the EU Energy Community Secretariat.

Thus, after receiving a positive opinion from the Energy Community Secretariat, the Regulator will be able to make a final decision that will allow the Gas TSO of Ukraine to start work as the independent operator from 01.01.2020.

Company expresses its gratitude to the Regulator for a constructive and professional approach to solving market problems as well as prompt response to the need to make key decisions to ensure the work of the new GTS Operator of Ukraine.

It should be reminded that Gas TSO of Ukraine expects to receive certification as a gas transmission system operator by the end of the current year. Starting from January 1, the GTS operator will be separated from the Naftogaz group (unbundling) and transferred to the management of the state company MGU LLC, subordinate to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. This action plan is foreseen by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Decree No. 840 “On Separation of Natural Gas Transportation Activities and Provision of Activities of the Gas Transmission System Operator.”