Inside Information Platform



Conclusion of the contract

How to become a customer of services for promulgating (disclosure) of inside information (Presentation)

Contract on the provision of services for promulgating (disclosure) of inside information (Contract)

To conclude the contract, a participant provides:

Connection to the Inside Information Platform

 To connect to the Platform, a participant provides by electronic signature in p7s format to the e-mail address or in paper form to the address 44 Lyubomyra Huzara avenue, 03065 Kyiv, Ukraine:

Ordering access to the platform for a month

  1. After concluding the contract, send the Service Order (Order EN) with an electronic signature in p7s format to the email address
  2. Pay the invoice (Invoice EN) by specifying the service code 702MMPP, where MM is the number of the month from 01 to 12, PP is the last two digits of the year from 24 to 99 (Invoice)

Instructions for working on the platform

Instructions “Creating Urgent Market Messages

Message template on unavailability of gas facilities (file ZIP_UMM_FULL_UA_TMPL)

Message template on other inside information (ZIP_UMM_SHORT_UA_TMPL file)