Кадастрова карта (2)
Gas TSO of Ukraine and StateGeoCadastre have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation

December 11, 2020, Kyiv – Gas TSO of Ukraine and StateGeoCadastre signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation. The document determines the development and organization of cooperation between the Parties on the application to the Public Cadastral Map of Ukraine of information on the boundaries of the protected areas of the facilities of gas transmission system.

Public access to such information will prevent accidents at the facilities of the gas transmission system of Ukraine and avoid violations in the protection areas of the main gas pipelines.

In particular, citizens will know in which locations it is impossible to build housing or other types of construction or where the land above the pipelines can be used to grow agricultural annual crops, but with the possibility of access to the pipeline in case of technological needs.

« Facilities of gas transmission system are the high-risk facilities. In order to minimize potential risks, there are technical requirements, approvals, standards, procedures, regulations and rules for handling near such facilities. Application of information about protected areas on the Public Cadastral Map will increase public awareness and allow the population and enterprises to plan their activities taking into account such technological features», – commented Yurii Ziabchenko, Chief Engineer of OGTSU.

Recall that depending on the diameter of the gas pipeline, the protected areas can reach a radius of 350 m from the gas pipeline.