Environmental outcomes 2020: GTSOU reduced CO2 emissions by 58%

February 19, 2020, Kyiv city

Thanks to the constant environmental policy, the implemented measures to reduce the impact on the environment and the dynamics of gas transportation volumes in 2020, GTSOU reduced:

  • water consumption by 17% (up to 257 thous. cubic meters);
  • emissions of carbon dioxide by 58% (up to 1507 thous. tons);
  • emissions of pollutants by 4% (up to 35 thous. tons);
  • industrial waste by 47% (up to 0,12 thous. tons);
  • household waste by 25% (up to 1 thous. tons).

Methane emissions in 2020 amounted to 27 thousand tons. Environmental taxes of the company for the reporting period amounted to UAH 30,5 million.

In 2020, which was the first year of operation of an independent operator of the GTS, we took several important steps – we identified key principles in the areas of ecology and energy efficiency, developed a clear action plan and began to implement them. Today, all management decisions are made taking into account the environmental component, including the issue of equipment selection or modernization. The result is a reduction in emissions, waste and consumption of natural resources in most of the areas. In 2021 we continue our environmental transformation, plan to complete the certification of management systems in accordance with international ISO standards. We pay special attention to measures to inspect gas pipelines and GTS equipment in order to reduce methane leaks“, – emphasized Pawel Stanczak, Deputy General Director for Development and Transformation of GTSOU.

Atmospheric air protection 

For 2020, GTSOU has reduced carbon emissions (CO2) into the atmosphere by 58% – up to 1,507 thousand tons, emissions of pollutants (NOx and CO) by 4% – up to 35 thous. tons. The positive dynamics is associated with the replacement of fuel-using equipment with modern equipment with a high efficiency factor and a reduction in the transit of natural gas.

Moreover, methane emissions amounted to 27 thousand tons (+ 24%). The reason is incidents on the linear part of the gas pipeline (pipeline corrosion, mechanical damage to equipment). To reduce emissions, the company strengthened measures to inspect gas pipelines and purchased new shut-off valves (tender # 1 and #2). During the year, specialized mobile laboratories examined more than 176 thousand pieces of equipment and found about 3300 of methane leaks. As a result of the works to eliminate the leaks, it was managed to reduce their total intensity by 2,5 times – up to 509 cubic meters per hour.


Water protection and use

For 2020, GTSOU has reduced water consumption by its structural units by 17% – up to 257 thousand cubic meters. Where 59% of these were used for household needs and 41% for industrial needs, such as hydraulic tests, watering the territory, etc.


Waste management

The Company has reduced industrial waste by 47% – up to 121 tons. Waste is transferred for utilization or disposal to specialized Companies that have won the relevant tenders for Prozorro and concluded contracts with GTSOU for services in the field of waste management (1234). In order to comply with environmental legislation in terms of handling hazardous substances, the Company constantly monitors the conditions of their use in accordance with the approved “Hazard Factor Data Maps”, updating their effect in time.

Household waste was reduced by 25% to 1 thousand tons and transferred to utilities.

Environmental taxes and permits

For 2020, the accrual of environmental taxes by GTSOU amounted to UAH 30.5 million. During this period, the Company received and reissued 110 permits for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere air and received 8 permits for special water use for industrial sites.


Environmental policy and internal regulations

In 2020, GTSOU approved the Environmental and Energy Policies aimed at preserving the state of the environment and continuously improving the level of energy efficiency in the provision of natural gas transportation services to Ukrainian and European customers. This is part of the Company’s Development Strategy for 2020-2024. The Company has also developed internal regulations to ensure proper waste management – the Environmental Service Regulation and the Environmental Protection and Waste Management Manual (covering the life cycle of waste from its formation, including collection and disposal operations).

Training and skills development

In 2020, the employees of GTSOU, responsible for the direction of ecology, underwent training events to improve managerial skills within the function.

Among them is a seminar on the implementation of a monitoring, reporting and verification systems of emissions, conducted by the Scandinavian consulting company in the field of emission reduction Carbon Limits with the support of the World Bank. As well as training on environmental and energy management systems for the further implementation of internal audit. In addition, six employees of GTSOU were trained in the basics of non-financial reporting in accordance with GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standards and monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions.


Chemical terminology:
NOx – nitric oxide;
CO – carbon monoxide;
CH4 – methane or natural gas;
CO2 – carbon dioxide.