Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine,
Limited Liability Company
Action Time period under Kyiv time Example for 1 March 2019 Respective provision of the Code
Determination of gas day D From 07:00 of day D
to 07:00 of the day D+1
from 07:00 01.03.2019
to 07:00 02.03.2019
paragraph 5, section 1, chapter І
Forecast of NDM Before 13:00 of gas day D-1 before 13:00 28.02.2019 paragraph 1, section 2, chapter  XІI
Nomination Before 15:00 of gas day D-1 Before 15:00 28.02.2019 paragraph 1,  section 2,  chapter  XІ
1. 1st NDM forecast update and 1nd update on IDM measures flows Before 15:00 of gas day D Before 15:00 01.03.2019 paragraph 1, section 3, chapter  XІI
2. 2nd  NDM forecast update and 2nd update on IDM measures flows Before 19:00 of gas day D Before 19:00 01.03.2019 paragraph 2, section 2, chapter  XІI
Confirmation of nominations Before 17:00 of gas day D-1 Before 17:00 28.02.2019 paragraph 1, section 2, chapter XІ
Renomination period From 18:00 of gas day D-1 Before 04:00 of gas day D (calendar day  D+1) From 18:00 28.02.2019
Before 04:00 02.03.2019
paragraph 1, section 3, chapter XІ
Trade notification period (processing time 30 min.) From 7:00 of gas day D Before 6:30 of gas day D (calendar day  D+1) From 7:00 01.03.2019
Before 6:30 02.03.2019
paragraph 3, section 2, chapter XІV
Trade notification period (processing time 120 min.) From 7:00 of gas day D Before 5:00 of gas day D ( calendar day  D+1) From 7:00 01.03.2019
Before 5:00 02.03.2019
paragraph 3, section 2, chapter XІV
Initial imbalance and initial allocation Before 17:00 of gas day D+1 Before 17:00 02.03.2019 paragraph 1, section 5, chapter XІI
NDM forecast adjustment Before 8 day of gas month (М+1) Before 08.04.2019 paragraph 2, section 7, chapter  XІI
TSO provides information on final daily inputs and offtakes, daily imbalance and daily imbalance charge Before 12 day of gas month (М+1) Before 12.04.2019 paragraph 18, section 6, chapter XІV
Invoicing (for imbalance charge) Before 14  day of gas month (М+1) Before 14.04.2019 paragraphs 19-20, section 6, chapter XІV
Financial settlement for daily imbalance Before 20  day of gas month (М+1) Before 20.04.2019 paragraphs 19-20, section 6, chapter XІV