Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine,
Limited Liability Company
Rejection codes of nomination
# Code
1 absence of valid transportation agreement or violation of its terms
2 violation of content requirements and/or procedure of nomination/renomination submission
3 exceeding in nomination/renomination of the capacity, allocated to the Client, except for cases of nomination/renomination submission for exit point to gas distribution system and/or using of interruptible capacity at crossborder points
4 insufficient financial security, defined in section 2 Chapter VIIІ of the GTS Code
5 non-fulfillment of the requirements of current legislation regarding the availability of natural gas security stock
6 notification by TSO, DSO, LNG operator, SSO, adjacent producer or direct customer at entry/exit points about the limitation, incident or emergency, that makes it impossible to provide transmission services in accordance with Client’s nomination
7 absence, termination or cancellation of the license for natural gas transmission for Clients, who submitted nominations/renominations for the point of exit to the direct consumer and/or point of exit to gas distribution system
8 violation of articles 5 and 6 of section 1 Chapter XI of the GTS Code
9 violation of paragraph 3 article 1 of section 3 Chapter XI of the GTS Code
10 non-fulfillment of the requirements of current legislation on natural gas transfer through the customs border of Ukraine by pipelines in accordance with chosen customs regime
11 the imposition of an arrest in accordance with the law on the volumes specified in the nomination/renomination
12 absence of confirmation by adjacent operator