GTSOU inspects Corrosion Protection of 5.6 thousand km of main gas pipelines

Gas TSO of Ukraine continues to carry out systematic activities to ensure reliable operation of the Ukrainian GTS. Within its framework, the company will conduct diagnostics of anti-corrosion protection and the state of corrosion of 5.6 thousand km of gas pipelines. For this purpose, GTSOU has entered into agreements with domestic companies that will perform this works. The Contractors have been selected through the Prozorro public procurement system. The total cost of the works is UAH 43.85 million.

The inspection will be carried out all over Ukraine: in Boiarka, Sumy, Lubny, Zolotonosha, Bibrka, Zakarpattya, Bogorodchany, Berdychiv, Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv and Mykolaiv LPUs of MGP. By performing comprehensive measurements at GTS facilities, the technical condition and efficiency of the gas pipeline corrosion protection system will be examined. The electrometric and instrumental measurements are used during the inspection. This technology provides an opportunity to inspect buried pipelines without any soil excavation. To verify the inspection, test pitting is conducted – 1 per 10 km of the pipelines.

Soil corrosion is the major natural factor and a hazard for main gas pipelines. Therefore, the company constantly monitors the condition of the corrosion protection of pipelines. The frequency of such inspections is once every 7 years. Based on the results of the inspections, timely repairs of gas pipelines, optimization of electrochemical protection system operation modes, as well as repairs and reconstructions thereof are carried out.

“Gas Transmission System is the most complicated and ramified technogenic facility of Ukraine. On the balance sheet of GTSOU there are more than 33,000 kilometers of gas pipelines. It is on our stable operation, that the reliability of gas supply to millions of Ukrainians and our European partners depends. That’s why we use various modern techniques to control the state of the main gas pipelines in order to prevent  all kinds of emergency situations. We monitor both the corrosion protection and the condition of the pipeline metal. For instance, we carry out In-line inspection of main gas pipelines together with ROSEN Europe, one of the world leaders in this area. Reliability of GTS operation is our priority”, – said Yurii Ziabchenko, Chief Engineer of GTSOU.