Environmental protection and energy efficiency are the responsibility and signs of the efficiency of the company’s processes. The Gas TSO of Ukraine complies with international standards and successfully implements environmental projects for the economical use of resources and the preservation of the environment.
“Thanks to the implementation of the Concept for Improving Energy Efficiency and Optimizing technological gas during transportation, as part of the company’s strategy, in 2022 GTSOU reduced the volume of technological gas by more than 4.5 million cubic meters compared to last year”, – noted Project Manager Mykyta Slobodyan, Head of the Division of Use of Fuel and Energy Resources, Energy Efficiency and Environment of GTSOU.
Due to the introduction of energy-saving measures and the prevention of expenditure on natural gas at GTS facilities last year, GTSOU saved more than 110 million cubic meters of natural gas and about 8 million kWh of electricity.
As a result of the implementation of projects on energy efficiency and minimization of the negative impact on the environment, as well as a decrease in the volume of gas transportation, in 2022 GTSOU reduced emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere by 402 thousand tons (32.1%), excluding natural gas losses due to military aggression russia.
This was made possible through the implementation of several initiatives, in particular:
- Expansion of the functions of mobile laboratories for the detection and elimination of natural gas leaks in terms of surveying underground utilities of the CS, GDS, and GMS, as well as the use of portable gas leak analyzers (INSPECTRA ® LASER);
- Expansion of the possibilities of operational re-equipment of MPLPD for sealing shutoff valves through the purchase and use of 25 sets of devices for eliminating natural gas leaks and Testo 350 gas analyzers to measure the actual volumes of pollutant emissions with the required parameters;
- Acquisition and use of the EyeCGas 2.0 optical imaging camera, which instantly detects natural gas leaks at GTSOU facilities.
The Company also systematically trains employees of production units on waste management and lean consumption.
It should be added that in 2022 the Gas TSO of Ukraine confirmed the certification of environmental and energy management systems under the requirements of international standards ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 50001:2018. The Company annually reports according to OGMP 2.0 standards.