Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine,
Limited Liability Company
Level of transit UA
PJSC Gazprom did not take the opportunity to increase transit to the EU through GMS “Sudzha”

As of May 12, 2022, the confirmed nomination for natural gas transit through the GMS Sudzha is 53.2 million cubic meters (-27% compared to the previous gas day on 11.05.2022). There is no transit through the GMS Sokhranivka.
We remind you that on May 11, 2022, Russian TSO, PJSC Gazprom, stopped transporting gas through the GMS Sokhranivka.
As for now, PJSC Gazprom has not taken the opportunity to transfer transit capacity from Sokhranivka to Sudzha, even though the technical ability of Sudzha (244 mcm of natural gas per day) is more than sufficient to continue transporting the contracted volumes. Moreover, even without changing the current contract, “Sudzha” can accept 77.2 mcm of natural gas per day. At the same time, currently, the capacity of the GMS Sudzha for the increase of transit volumes to European countries is not being used.