The first group of Gas TSO of Ukraine (GTSOU) students graduated from the corporate MBA program. Within the training framework, the company’s employees obtained modern knowledge in economics, management, lean production, change management, leadership, etc. The company received promising projects from the graduates aimed at more efficient and reliable work.
“We launched the corporate MBA program last year. Despite the war, we have decided to continue the course because the program trains effective and motivated specialists for the company, and their diploma works are important projects for the Ukrainian GTS,” – said Dmytro Sorochenko, Director of Human Resources. – “GTSOU continues its educational programs for specialists of different levels. Our task is not only to preserve the company’s potential but also to be ready for all the challenges the Ukrainian GTS faces.”
“GTSOU provides equal opportunities for employees to develop their talents and potential, to help them realize themselves in the profession. This educational MBA program allowed obtaining various managerial and economic competencies. In our diploma theses, my colleagues and I have considered the Ukrainian GTS’s most urgent needs and suggested effective ways to solve these problems. Some of them became even more pressing with the outbreak of hostilities,” – said a graduate of this training course Vera Prymak, deputy head of the Services Implementation Division at GTSOU.
GTSOU unites highly qualified specialists who ensure the reliability of gas transportation for millions of Ukrainian and European consumers. Their knowledge and experience are the keys to Ukraine’s energy front stability.