The Gas TSO of Ukraine has launched a test version of the Transparency Platform

The Gas TSO of Ukraine (GTSOU) has launched a test version of the Transparency Platform announced in early December. The Platform can be accessed via link or through the website menu.

This service allows Network Users and all parties concerned to access aggregated information on physical and commercial gas flows through cross-border points and UGS facilities, booked capacities, production and consumption of natural gas, imbalances and other indicators of the GTS operation.

“In accordance with European requirements and practices, GTSOU supports the principle of open access and transparent coverage of information on the functioning of the natural gas market in Ukraine. We will continue to work on the development of new services, as well as we will take into account all the wishes to improve the work of those already launched” – commented Ievgen Todorov, Commercial Director of Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine.

On the Transparency Platform, data is updated operatively. To simplify the search for the necessary data, a function has been created to select historical information from the beginning of 2020 with the possibility of structuring by daily or monthly values.

For suggestions on improvements/additions to the Transparency Platform or in case of technical problems, please contact commercial@tsoua.com.