Gas TSO of Ukraine`s environmental report for the first quarter of 2020: CO2 emissions decreased by 57%

June, 4, 2020, Kyiv As a result of the 1st quarter of 2020, the Gas TSO of Ukraine conducted more than 500 environmental actions. Mainly due to decrease in gas transportation volumes during this period, emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere decreased by 20%, and CO2 emissions decreased by 57%. Also, due to responsible management of resources, water using decreased by 28%, and the generation of industrial waste – by 23%.

In total, GTSOU paid UAH 4 mln 766 thsd of environmental taxes in January-March 2020, 99% of which are taxes for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

Important to note, it is must for GTSOU to evaluate the impact on the environment and provide the emission limits for gas pumping units at the level of European standards, while planning and implementing projects for the reconstruction of compressor stations. Currently, work is under way (at various stages) on the large-scale modernization of 8 compressor stations.

The strategy of the independent GTSOU provides significant emission reductions due to technical modernization of infrastructure, and in general actively supports the processes of decarbonization of Ukraine’s economy. The company is going to implement a policy of responsible management for natural resources and environmental protection, focusing on EU standards, best practices of European operators and experience of progressive companies around the world.

The company plans to achieve these goals, through dialogue with the public and regular coverage of environmental aspects of its activities. Therefore, GTSOU starts to inform on a quarterly basis about measures to improve environmental indexes. 

More information on each item is below

Air protection
In the 1st quarter of 2020, the total emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere amounted to 5,666 tons* (20% less compared to the same period last year), including carbon dioxide – 234.3 thsd tons (-57%) due to reduction in gas transportation.

GTSOU inventories stationary emission sources and monitors their indexes. Among the most important successes – the company managed to reduce the ratio of gas to the transport unit due to the modernization and decommissioning of obsolete gas pumping units – from a coefficient of 14 to 11 (comparison of the 1st quarter of 2019/2020).

Water protection and use
GTSOU uses large volumes of water. Currently, two thirds of them are for household needs and a third are for production needs (hydraulic tests, irrigation, cleaning). Recognizing the importance of conserving use of nature, OGTSU plans to reduce the water use for domestic consumption in the coming years by installing water meters at all facilities and monitoring cost indicators to analyze and identify problems.

In the 1st quarter of 2020, the company used 63 thsd cubic meters of water (-28% compared to the same period last year). At the same time, the company drained 51 thsd cubic meters of wastewater (-18%). During this period, the company received 5 permits for special water use.

Waste management
During January-March 2020, GTSOU generated 25.8 tons of industrial waste (-23% compared to the same period of 2019). The company also accumulated and transferred 164.1 tons of garbage to utilities, including household waste from bins.

Since 2014, the issuance of permits in the field of waste management has been suspended due to lack of form and procedure for their development. The waste disposal permit and its generation limits have been suspended until the Government aligns the procedure for issuing such permits.

Therefore, the GTSOU uses the right to declare waste and plans to transfer industrial and household waste to specialized recycling companies.